An Analytical Opinion of Buddha Belief from Buddhadad Approach by Using System Analysis Method
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“Buddha,” one can understand this term differently according to an individual information received. Verities of belief groups or expression in meanings groups are formed by their distinctive belief, inspiration, pray, and others religious activities. To reach the Buddha’s ultimate goal, one has to study and practice step by step, which could be more than one approach. Research methodology in academics is the similar approach to Buddha study. To get the similar result from academic research, there are many ways and methods to conduct research. Correspondingly, to explore the essence of Buddha principles, there are many approaches. This paper discusses and analyzes the way to reach the Buddha’s ultimate goal from a book named “Buddha” written by Buddhadad in an angle of “system analysis method.”
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พุทธทาสภิกขุคู่มือดับทุกข์: หลักพุทธศาสนาสำหรับผู้ที่ไม่เคยสนใจมาก่อน. กรงเทพฯ: ธรรมสภา, หนา้ 194.
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