Facility Management: Space/Place Management for the Future Environment

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Wijitbusaba Marome


In the world of increasingly complex and dynamic variables, the requirement to solve the right problem takes precedence over solving the problem right. Facility Management (FM), the emerging 21th century profession addressing the need of the age focused upon clarity, human understanding and the science of organization of information, is a multidisciplinary or transdisciplinary profession. FM draws on theories and principles of “people”, “processes”, and “places” of organizations rather than serving cost-cutting competencies and downsizing of organizations only. Considering the national crisis, Facility Management is a valid and sustainable remedy as a tool not as the ultimatum. It would be better recognized and gradually accepted to Thai style of working. Through collective reviews and analyzing some concepts of resource management, the requirement of Facility Management within today’s social contexts, and the principles of Facility Management are introduced in this article. A view of rapidly developing professional field of Facility Management is introduced and referred to its related aspects focusing on the concept of today’s workplace and tomorrow’s workspace to arouse public awareness to become more conscious about what is really happening around individuals.


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