Cultural Landscape on the Coast: An Approach to Natural Resource Conservation and Management in Bang Taboon Bay, Ban Laem District, Phetchaburi Province

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Ornaim Tangkitngamwong


Bang Taboon Bay is a part of coastal area in Ban Laem District, Phetchaburi Province. An active tidal flat
is the geomorphology which creates the estuarine ecosystem. Mud flats, estuary and mangrove forest in the
estuarine ecosystem are important natural resources for human living and economic of local community.
Currently, trends of natural resources degradation in the area are being worse. Without proper conservation
and management, land use conflict and inequity resources use will be more critical. This research aims to study
cultural landscape on the coast of Bang Taboon Bay in order to gain knowledge on how to sustainable conserve and manage natural resources. Site survey and stakeholders interview were conducted. Current
trends of natural resource degradation situation were analyzed. The results confirmed that the cultural
landscapes which have been developed in the past are appropriately use of technology to manage natural
resources. Applications of local wisdom to the current situation are suggested as natural resources conservation
and management guidelines. They are covering environmental and ecological system, local wisdom, and
socio-economic issues.



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