Planning Interaction – Lessons from a Comparative Study of Bottom-up Approach in Practice
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It has often been that an operation of development planning process approaches to an unfortunate
dilemma, especially in public affairs. The uprising ideological contrast brings on a vacancy that each development
agent cannot accomplish its own will. The author portrays the planning stake in public affairs that each stakeholder
has proceeded to the aforementioned crosscutting dialogue based on two case studies. The paper aims
twofold. The first is to reveal the discursive struggle of ideological yardstick posited by each agent that undergoes
both explicit and implicit controversies. The second is to mirror each effort to grasp and to redefine the development
discourse as well as to reconcile toward an effective operation/outcome. It is discovered that without a reconciliatory
agent, the anticipated dialogue cannot be attained. Nevertheless, the entailed resolution will temporarily sound.
Only the superior coercion will eventually last, although at best, some prior controversial propositions have
been either more or less mitigated or, at worst, they have been unvoiced ever.
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