The Effect of Wing-Walls and Balcony on Wind Induced Ventilation in High-Rise Residential Units
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Applying wing walls is a well known method of increasing the natural ventilation of a single-sided
opening. A survey of the current application of wing walls in residential units shows that they do not encourage
natural wind ventilation. This study presents numerical results of the ventilation produced by wing walls and a
balcony, using various dimensions and combinations, for a wind direction of 0.0 to 90.0 degrees normal to the
opening of a residential room of 6.0 x 6.0 m2. The three-dimensional simulations, created using a CFD package
called PHEONICS 3.5, are compared with the results of the experiment of Givoni. As the simulation results agree
with the experimental results, the derived computational model is further investigated for the room without a
partition and installed with various sizes of wing walls, openings and balconies. The simulation results for the
residential room show that wing walls with a width of 2.0 and 4.0 m and a distance between the openings of
2.0m and 4.0 m in a wind direction of 30.0 to 75.0 degrees increase the ventilation significantly. Usually, the
balcony obstructs the ventilation by 40.0-55.0%, but it can increase the ventilation for a wind direction of 90.0
degrees. Taking into account the pressure difference of a tall rectangular building, residential units with good
ventilation should be located at the edge of the building with an upstream wind.
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