Benefits of Roof-Mounted Solar Cells for Low-Cost Residential Buildings
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This research article presents part of a study on using roof-mounted solar cells as alternative energy for water treatment systems of low-cost residential buildings of National Housing Authority of Thailand (NHA). The benefits of roof-mounted solar cells on buildings are beyond their obvious capability of electricity production. Other benefits include heat transfer reduction from the building envelope, carbon emission reduction, backup electricity for use during disaster and economical feasibility study. The study explored the tangible and intangible benefits of solar arrays with capability of 2.22 kW (0.185 kW/array) which can produce the 2.10 kWh/day of the electricity required by water treatment systems (up to 5.48 kWh/day). The benefits on a building envelope’s heat transfer is that by using solar arrays to cover about 81% of the roof area, the indoor temperature of the room adjacent to the roof can be reduced by up to 4๐C. For carbon emission reduction, by using solar cells for the energy in water treatment systems, it is possible to achieve a reduction of 44.91-718.61 Ton CO 2 , depending on the system management of 15 minutes, 3 hrs and 24 hrs shut-off integral. The carbon emission reduction is equivalent to between 6 and 107 cars on the street. By designing the solar cells to support water treatment systems for 24 hrs, the energy produced can cover public electricity use during a disaster. Up to 33.60 kWh/day can be produced: this is about 1.4 times more than the electricity typically required in normal circumstances. The economical feasibility study of the project includes a comparison of using roof-mounted solar cells and a solar farm. For this particular project, at low-cost residential buildings in Bung-Kum, the economical feasibility (payback period) is 5.82 times than building a solar farm on the same land alone.
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