Comparative Study of Air Exchange Rates in A High-Rise Residence by Using Both Tracer Gas Dilution and Fan Pressurization Methods
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High-rise condominium living is becoming increasingly popular in the city while urban heat island effect has caused residents to close windows and use air conditioning unit all night. There is a buildup of indoor carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration within bedroom(s) of residential unit that will affect the quality of sleep and productivity on the following day. Thus, providing sufficient bedroom air exchange is highly important in order to maintain low CO2 concentration level within the residence. This study investigates room air change rate by conducting fan pressurization and tracer gas dilution experiments in a 30 m2 one-bedroom type unit of a condominium in Bangkok, Thailand. The two method yields similar air exchange results, achieving 1.215 ACH via fan pressurization and 1.387 ACH via tracer gas dilution when bedroom and living room spaces are connected to each other. The air exchange rate and CO2 concentration level are acceptable since the measured air change rate is higher than that required by design standards and CO2 concentration level is found to be lower than 1,000 ppm. After closing the bedroom door, however, CO2 concentration rises rapidly above 1,000 ppm while ACH drops to a level lower than suggested by design standards. Based on this experiment, it can be concluded that bedroom of conventional high-rise residential unit requires higher air exchange rate to ensure appropriate CO2 concentration level at night while occupants are sleeping.
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