Spatial Behavior in Creative Workplace: Mapping Creative and Innovative Behavior in Office Environment
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This research aims to investigate the physical characteristics that encourage people to use creativity and create innovation. Based on the physical analysis of eight highly creative offices and the observation of work behavior of 15 creative workers throughout 58 working days, the research finds open plan layout are being used in every offices. The designers have the highest concentrated working behavior followed by col-laborative behaviors of 2-3 designers, both occurs mainly in the workstation area. Design offices can be cat-egorized into 3 groups according to the behavior of designers: 1) the office that emphasized on high level of work concentration; 2) the office that emphasized on consultations and collaboration among employees; 3) the office that emphasized on break and relaxation. The key to creating a supportive environment for creative work processes and create innovation is to optimize office space planning that fosters the concentration of work and collaborative work.
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