Flood and Drought Risk Indicators for Small Watershed
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Chiangmai basin is surrounded by several of small low hill watersheds which encountered with the explanation of problem situations under the influence of urban expansion. Moreover, flood and drought circumstances become chronic problems having an effect on watersheds until it is difficult to solve the problem. This study focused on develop index and risks determination on flood and drought of small watershed to generate an evaluation model of low hill watershed near several cities of upper northern plain. which participatory action research was employed with the target population groups. The study began with the application of geo-information database for explanation of drought and flood risk level including area impacts leach watershed. Then, empirical evidence were found to explain results which connected with academic reasons. Meanwhile, main factors were estimated and screened target indicators on watershed management area found.
The index were presented as follows: 1) Flood assessment – Four indices were used to investigate the flood which consisted of Rainfall index, runoff quantity index, drainage capability index and land use index, and 2) Drought assessment – Four indices were applied to examine the drought which comprised of Rainfall index, water yield capability, potential to access water resource of agricultural area and water demand for agricultural area. The results of study found several interesting issues as follows. The middle zone was assessed as drought area due to dry spell, delayed raining condition in 2012–2015 combined with the morphological characteristics of its upland agricultural area and intensive agriculture particularly off-season rice planting and the shallow condition of natural water reservoirs and existing reservoirs kept less amount of water. These resulted to the severity level of drought more increasingly and the risk would be extended more broadly. The lower areas was assessed as severe flooding problem because it was the area receiving the water from the Mae On upper zone and some areas were still the conjunction point of the main river which appeared narrow and shallow conditions because of many changes like the outer ring road resulted to obstruction of the water drainage. At the same time, many areas receiving the flood water were filled with the ground for housing projects and new commercial areas including some parts along the riverside were changed to be the housing areas.
Based on results of the study, the following were found as follow 1) using database to screen target indicators which indicated problem situations and focused management through the combination of technology, for example geographic information system, with the management by local knowledge as a tool in the study process. This was done together with situation learning and analysis under updated database. After that, obtained results were used for watershed management planning. Evidence-based was an important key leaching the preparation of an area action plan with the local administrative organization for determination of local legislation on water management and its related issues.
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