Innovation Development Pattern of Upcycled Materials in Thailand
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This study examines the development process of successfully commercialized upcycled materials in the architecture and construction industry in Thailand. Five upcycled materials items in Thailand were chosen for this study. They were 1) Glass Tile 2) JAVA Core 3) Kokoboard 4) Eco Pine Door and 5) Ekoblok. Interviews with innovators, developers and marketing directors of the chosen items were conducted and summarized into development processes. These development processes were then compared with the process found in literature review. The similarities or differences among the processes were analyzed, synthesized and summarized.
The research results identified the commonalities among development processes of upcycled materials, which could be summarized into 7 steps: 1) Ideation, 2) Scoping, 3) Development, 4) Testing, 5) Launching, 6) Mass Production and 7) Product Distribution. This process is which different from the process found in the literature review. There is no business analysis and found 2 additional steps, which are Mass Production and Distribution step.
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