The Influence of Internal Audit Competency on the Operational Efficiency of Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand
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This article aims to achieve two objectives: 1) to examine the levels of opinion on internal audit competency and operational efficiency of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, and 2) to investigate the influence of internal audit competency on the operational efficiency of these companies. This research is quantitative and utilizes a questionnaire as a data collection tool targeting internal audit executives of listed companies. A total of 327 responses were received. The statistical methods used for data analysis include percentages, means, standard deviations, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The researcher ensured preliminary agreement to obtain reliable and academically acceptable data. The research results indicate that internal audit competency in audit planning, execution, reporting, and monitoring positively influences performance at a significant level of 0.05. The findings can serve as a guide for enhancing the potential of internal auditors to work proactively, thereby helping to prevent corruption, manage risks, reduce operational waste, and align performance with the company’s objectives. Additionally, this can foster confidence and transparency among stakeholders, leading to increased trust and acceptance of the company’s operations.
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