Green Human Resource Management and Sustainable Performance: The Mediating Role of Green Innovation and Green Supply Chain Management
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This study aims to examine the impact of green human resource management (GHRM) on sustainable performance, which encompasses economic, environmental, and social dimensions. Additionally, it investigates the mediating roles of green innovation and green supply chain management in this relationship. The study further explores the interaction mechanisms between GHRM, green innovation, and green supply chain management. Data were collected from 430 senior and middle-level managers in the human resources and supply chain management departments of manufacturing firms in Guangdong Province, China. The analysis was conducted using the PLS-SEM method via Smart PLS 4.1 software.
The results indicate that GHRM, green innovation, and GSCMall have significant positive effects on sustainable performance. Moreover, GHRM positively influences both green innovation and green supply chain management, while green innovation significantly impacts green supply chain management. Green innovation and GSCM serve as partial mediators in the relationship between GHRM and sustainable performance. The findings confirm that GHRM, green innovation, and GSCM can co-exist within a company's green management practices. When implemented in an integrated manner, these practices enhance the firm’s overall performance across the triple bottom line of environmental, economic, and social outcomes.
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