The Influence Mechanism of Co-opetition Strategy on Competitive Advantage
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n the era of globalization and digitalization, collaboration and innovation are crucial elements for enterprises to cope with global market competition and enhance their competitive advantage. Taking the competitive advantage of the advanced manufacturing industry in the Pearl River Delta region of China as the research object, a theoretical model of co-opetition strategy, open innovation, trust, and competitive advantage was constructed. This study explores how co-opetition strategy affects the sustainable competitive advantage of the manufacturing industry and the mediating role of open innovation. It is quantitative research. A questionnaire was designed to measure these variables, and both convenience sampling and random sampling were applied, targeting 225 advanced manufacturing enterprises in the Pearl River Delta region. Data were collected and analyzed using SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0 to verify the relationships between the variables. The results show that the co-opetition strategy has a significant positive impact on the competitive advantage of enterprises. Both inbound open innovation and outbound open innovation play a partial mediating role, while trust positively moderates the effect of co-opetition strategy on open innovation. The findings provide a reference path for the implementation of co-opetition strategies and open innovation in the global advanced manufacturing industry, enhancing sustainable competitive advantage.
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