The Influence of Leadership Human Resources Corporate Policy and Management Innovation Affect Company Performance in Beijing

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Chunhong Wang
Peerawee Teppratuangtip
Xin Liu


This research aims to 1) evaluate the leadership level, human resources, organizational policies, management innovation, and operational efficiency of companies in Beijing; 2) describe the variables influencing the operational efficiency of companies in Beijing; and 3) build a model for the operational efficiency of companies in Beijing. The population of this research is entrepreneurs and executives of companies in Beijing, China. The sample is obtained by estimating the sample size based on the observed variables at a ratio of 1 to 20. Since there are 16 observed variables in this research, the researcher selected a multi-stage sample of 320 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used in the study were descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis.

The research findings can be summarized as follows: Leadership positively influences company performance and management innovation. Human resources also have a positive influence on management innovation. Corporate policy positively influences management innovation and company performance efficiency. Lastly, management innovation has a positive influence on company performance efficiency. These findings have significant practical implications for entrepreneurs and administrators in Beijing, providing them with actionable insights to enhance their company's performance. For instance, understanding the positive influence of leadership on company performance can guide entrepreneurs in their leadership strategies. In contrast, the influence of human resources on management innovation can inform administrators in their HR policies.

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How to Cite
Wang, C., Teppratuangtip, P., & Liu, X. (2024). The Influence of Leadership Human Resources Corporate Policy and Management Innovation Affect Company Performance in Beijing. Arts of Management Journal, 8(4), 361–381. retrieved from
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