The Impact of Brand Strategy on Health Wine Consumers’ Purchase Decisions: An Examination Using the Howard Sheath Model (Guangdong, China)
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This study explores how consumer image, product essence stimulation, product symbol stimulation, and social stimulation affect purchase decisions for healthy wine in Guangdong, China, using the Howard Sheth Model. It gathered 1,032 valid responses from individuals familiar with health wine and analyzed them using PLS-SEM. The findings show that consumer image, product essence, product symbol, and social stimulation positively influence consumer perception and purchase decisions. Consumer image is pivotal in shaping perceptions and decisions. Product essence enhances perceptions and purchase likelihood, product symbol drives purchase intentions, and social stimulation significantly affects both perception and decisions. Consumer perception mediates these relationships, with product symbols strongly impacting perception and social stimulation influencing purchase decisions. The study extends the Howard Sheth Model to healthy wine consumption, providing a comprehensive framework. It offers insights for marketers on the importance of symbolic, cultural, and product-related factors in consumer behavior, advocating for a holistic marketing approach to promote healthy wine in a competitive market.
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