The Mediating Role of Job Performance: The Impact of Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction

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Xiang Li
Teetut Tresirichod


This study aimed to explore the relationship between organizational culture (OC), job performance (JP), and job satisfaction (JS). Based on social exchange theory and human resource management theory, four research objectives are proposed: 1) explore the positive impact of organizational culture on employee job performance; 2) explore the positive impact of job performance on job satisfaction; 3) explore the positive impact of organizational culture on job satisfaction; 4) explore the mediating role of job performance in the transmission of the impact of organizational culture on job satisfaction. Using quantitative research methods, descriptive statistics and analysis were conducted on survey data from 400 employees in the food industry of private enterprises in Sichuan Province through the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) method. This process validated the theoretical framework and hypothesized relationships. The research results found that organizational culture has a positive impact on both employee job performance and job satisfaction and significantly affects job satisfaction through job performance, confirming that job performance plays a mediating role between organizational culture and job satisfaction. These findings provide valuable empirical support for business management practices, facilitating the sustainable development of enterprises.

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How to Cite
Li, X., & Tresirichod, T. (2024). The Mediating Role of Job Performance: The Impact of Organizational Culture on Job Satisfaction. Journal of Arts Management, 8(2), 254–271. Retrieved from
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