The Enhancement of Community Innovation in Driving Cultural Capital for Nakhon Sawan Province

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Chayaporn Boonruangsak
Siriporn Buranahiran


The objective of this research is to explore and extract lessons from the social capital and cultural potential of communities in driving cultural tourism development paths in Nakhon Sawan province. It aims to analyze social capital data that demonstrates the potential of the community towards developing cultural tourism routes and to create community innovators in transmitting historical knowledge of the community. This qualitative research involves collecting data in a focused area from seven historical sites, from Phra Bang to Nakhon Sawan, from a historical evidence perspective. It includes in-depth interviews with 84 key informants and focus group discussions with 35 key informants selected through purposive sampling. Subsequently, the collected data will be analyzed using a content analysis approach. The research results were found as follows: The research findings suggest that social capital and community potential in driving cultural capital are closely related to the physical condition of the community, natural resources, the environment, socio-economic status, culture, and production, as well as the interconnected pathways between communities. By linking historical data, community culture, and local knowledge of social capital at four levels- individual, group/community organization, institutional/resource unit, and village/community –a learning and innovation platform can be established to develop cultural tourism routes. This platform can serve as a tool for community innovators to pass on historical knowledge.

To effectively utilize research findings for the benefit of society, it is important to integrate the knowledge with the identities of communities that are similar to the research area. This reflection highlights the importance and value of social capital and the potential of communities to drive more efficient cultural momentum. By incorporating research results into the local context, we can enhance the cultural development and social well-being of communities, ultimately leading to a more prosperous and harmonious society.

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How to Cite
Boonruangsak, C., & Buranahiran, S. (2024). The Enhancement of Community Innovation in Driving Cultural Capital for Nakhon Sawan Province. Journal of Arts Management, 8(2), 45–62. retrieved from
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