The Effectiveness of a Line Visitation Program for Inmates at the Central Correctional Institution for Drug Addicts

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Akkawoot Panphang
Arun Chainit
Anun Rungporntavewat


The objectives of this study were to: 1) study the effectiveness of a LINE Visitation Program for inmates at the Central Correctional Institution for Drug Addicts; 2) study the factors affecting the effectiveness of a LINE Visitation Program for inmates and 3) study the guidelines for increasing the effectiveness of a LINE Visitation Program for inmates. This study used a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative design. The population consisted of inmates’ relatives who participated in a LINE Visitation Program for inmates. The sample was 250 people. The data were analyzed using statistical data such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the Pearson correlation coefficient. The tools for data collection were interviews, analyzed by content analysis, interpretation, and conclusion, and then present as objective analysis results.

The results of the study showed that: 1) the overall effectiveness of a LINE Visitation Program for inmates was at its highest level. When considered in each aspect, it was found that the aspect of the program objectives was at the highest level, and 2) Factors affecting the effectiveness of a LINE Visitation Program for inmates overall were at a high level. When considered in each aspect, it was found that the aspect of procedures and regulations was at the highest level, and 3) for the guidelines for increasing the effectiveness of a LINE Visitation Program for inmates, the regulations should be improved to reduce procedures and processing time and increase the inmate’s visiting time as well as the numbers of visits. Moreover, it should increase the channels of public relations of the program, develop officials’ technological knowledge and skills to be able to fix system crashes, and use other technology or other applications that perform better than the LINE application for more efficient and effective development.

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How to Cite
Panphang, A., Chainit, A., & Rungporntavewat, A. (2023). The Effectiveness of a Line Visitation Program for Inmates at the Central Correctional Institution for Drug Addicts. Journal of Arts Management, 7(3), 1136–1155. retrieved from
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