Causal Factors Influencing the Adoption of Social Media Platform as a Tool for Collaborative Learning among Higher Education Students: The New Normal Post-COVID-19 Outlook

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Thadathibesra Phuthong


This article aimed to study 1) causal factors influencing the adoption of social media platforms as a tool for collaborative learning among higher education students; and 2) causal relationships between factors influencing the adoption of social media platforms as a tool for collaborative learning among higher education students. This research was a quantitative approach. The sample size was calculated from the sample-size ratio of Hair et al. (2010). The sample consisted of 371 higher education students who had experience using a social media platform for collaborative learning. They were selected by purposive sampling. The instrument for collecting data was a questionnaire. Analysis of data by analyzing the structural equations with PLS-SEM procedures. The results found that the most influential causal factors affecting the adoption of social media platforms as a tool for collaborative learning among higher education students are the capacity to support collaborative teamwork and perceived enjoyment, respectively. The implications of this study reveal the importance of understanding the causal factors that affect social media platforms as a tool for collaborative learning among higher education students. The study recommends that educational institutions and stakeholders enhance the level of social media platforms as a tool for collaborative learning among higher education students related to the current situation and transforming to the new normal of learning patterns.

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How to Cite
Phuthong, T. (2022). Causal Factors Influencing the Adoption of Social Media Platform as a Tool for Collaborative Learning among Higher Education Students: The New Normal Post-COVID-19 Outlook. Journal of Arts Management, 6(4), 1604–1627. Retrieved from
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