Community Development in Ecotourism Attractions based on Biodiversity of Bang Pu Community, Pattani Province, Thailand

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Jutatip Junead
Arin Ngamniyom
Nattapat Manirochana


It is obvious that the future of the tourism industry in Thailand and other countries worldwide is likely to be focused on sustainability, particularly ecotourism. The objectives of this research were to study and analyse the potential of tourism resources based on biodiversity in order to examine the capacity of the community and quality standard evaluation of the ecotourism of the Bang Pu community. To investigate the behaviour and demands of Thai eco-tourists in order to propose the guidelines for the development and upgrade of ecotourism in the Bang Pu community. The research applied a mixed methods approach, comprising 385 samples and 50 key informants. Research tools included the questionnaire, interview form, quality standard evaluation of ecotourism attractions, the computer program for social research, content analysis, and descriptive research method. Research results indicated remarkable resources involving 32 types of natural resources, 11 cultures, and 13 activities. In terms of the quality standard evaluation of the ecotourism attractions in the Bang Pu community, After the development, the quality evaluation result was at an excellent level of 77 points. Further, the results of the study of the tourism behaviour of 385 tourists showed that most were interested in education about nature (20.78%). In addition, the study results of the demands for traveling of the sample group indicated that most of them agreed that the accommodation or hotels were convenient, comfortable, and safe, with the average opinion rate at 4.50. The qualitative and quantitative research results were shared by the researcher with the community to propose the development guidelines based on the participation of the community. Consequently, 29 guidelines for developing and upgrading ecotourism in Bang Pu community, Pattani Province, towards the sustainable development goals were formulated under the English term “ECO Bangpu Model”.

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How to Cite
Junead, J., Ngamniyom, A., & Manirochana, N. (2022). Community Development in Ecotourism Attractions based on Biodiversity of Bang Pu Community, Pattani Province, Thailand. Journal of Arts Management, 6(3), 1440–1458. retrieved from
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