Investigating the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation
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This article aimed to investigate the relationship between corporate social responsibility practices and innovation performance by reviewing the literature on these topics. This article reviewed thirty-five papers and analyzed them according to the research stream. The research streams were classified into: (1) conceptual papers, (2) literature reviews of papers, and (3) research papers. This article also grouped them into four main groups according to the nature of the relationship between CSR and innovation: (1) a direct relationship between CSR and innovation; (2) an indirect relationship between CSR and innovation; (3) no relationship between CSR and innovation; and (4) diverse relationships between CSR and innovation. The indirect relationship presents both CSR and innovation as (1) a representative of other variables, (2) a moderator or mediator between CSR/innovation and other independent variables, such as growth, performance, and sustainability, and (3) a controlled variable.
The classification of research articles provides a clear picture of the relationship between CSR and innovation, which is more complicated than how the linear positive relationship of CSR influences innovation.
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