Using Content and Language Integrated Learning to Develop Curriculum Principles in Response to the Needs of Undergraduate Students for Business English Writing Ability
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The utilization of English as the communicative and working language of the ASEAN Community and Economics made this study mandatory at all levels of education in Southeast Asian countries, including Cambodia. The study aims to 1) investigate the needs of undergraduate students for business English writing ability, and 2) develop curriculum principles based on content and language integrated learning for enhancing undergraduate students’ business English writing. Initially, the researchers conducted a semi-structured interview to collect data. A set of questions, three of which were the main questions, was employed to investigate the needs of undergraduate students. Twenty-one key informants, consisting of fifteen recent graduates and six supervisors, were purposively selected to voluntarily respond to the interview questions. The results showed that students needed work-related practices, learned chiefly from the general English books, not from authentic business tasks, and were not orientated to their language culture and local culture, especially the workplace culture, which hugely impacts their written work. Afterwards, the analysis and synthesis of related documents and approaches were done to correspond to the needs and/or issues. The researchers could finally propose appropriate curriculum principles for enhancing undergraduate students’ business English writing ability. Prospectively, the developed principles could be used to develop the four components of the curriculum: objectives, content, methods of organizing learning experiences, and evaluation.
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