Risk Management, Internal Control, and Internal Audit on The Reduce Liquidity Risk, Firm Performance and Firm Value of Listed Companies in The Stock Exchange of Thailand
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This article aimed to study the opinion level of risk management, internal control, and internal audit on the reduced liquidity risk, firm performance, and firm value of the listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. This study is done through survey research. The data collection is done using questionnaires and record forms. The sample group was a listed company on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, a total of 425 companies. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the research, the opinion level of the overall risk management, and risk management in finance, strategy, operations, and markets, overall internal control, and the internal controls in the control environment, control activities and an overall internal audit, and internal audits, financial audits, accounting, and compliance audits, had an effect on the reduced liquidity risks. In terms of working capital. Firm performance in terms of return on equity, Tobin's Q, and Economic Value Added, were all high average. Therefore, the executives can apply the results of the research to adjust the risk management plan. internal control and internal audits to be appropriate. Sufficient and consistent with the company's policies, goals, and missions, including the importance of supervision, continuous monitoring, and evaluation to reduce liquidity risk. This affects the operating results and can create a continuous and sustainable increase in business value.
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