Creating Value Added of Black Tiger Peanut (Nilmanee) Through Innovation and Marketing That Meets the Needs of Healthy Food Consumers

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Chutimun Sasong


This article aimed to (1) study the added value to products from black tiger peanuts (Nilmanee) and create standard packaging; (2) analyze the lifestyle and behavior of healthy food consumers; and 3) analyze consumer demand for black tiger peanuts (Nilmanee) protein. The sample was selected from the community enterprise network of local food groups with full nutrition from Thai Yai and ethnic recipes in Pai District and healthy food consumers in Mae Hong Son Province. The research results were found as follows: 1) this research has created added value for black tiger peanuts (Nillmanee) by using a spray drying machine to transform them into a 3 in 1 100% black tiger peanuts (Nillmanee) instant protein drink with black sesame and chocolate flavor. The 45 baht 3 in 1 product is packed in 15 g sachets. The box of 10 sachets is sold for 450 baht; 2) the majority of the customers have health issues related to high blood cholesterol. Most of them focused on dieting, avoiding unhealthy food, preferring bird's nest drinks, or drinking instant chicken soup. The respondents mostly consume healthy drinks one or two times per week. They purchase healthy beverages from distributors. Pricing is the main reason consumers do not favor healthy drinks, and 3) Most consumers prefer Nillmanee Tiger Peanut instant protein drinks with 10 to 15 g per sachet, priced between 36 and 45 baht per sachet, and prefer the black sesame flavor the most.

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How to Cite
Sasong , C. . (2022). Creating Value Added of Black Tiger Peanut (Nilmanee) Through Innovation and Marketing That Meets the Needs of Healthy Food Consumers. Journal of Arts Management, 6(2), 540–558. retrieved from
Research Articles


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