The Integration of a System Science for Social Knowledge Co-creation in Enhancing the Local Sustainable Agriculture Development: A Case Study in Phraek Nam Daeng Sub-District, Amphawa District, Samut Songkhram Province

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Harin Sachdev
Chanthana Udom
Penmas Nanan


An essential of expanding knowledge of co-creation for social change to encompass the relevance of integrating multiple sustainable value dimensions, as well as the recognition of different types of ecological service under social-ecological systems and social dynamics, is an urgent need in both types of sustainability studies, allowing useful in policy-makers, and community arenas. In this paper, we present a methodological framework on the integration of two system science disciplines, system theory and foresight study for scenario planning design. Three study approaches were designed and detailed application in Phraek Nam Daeng Sub-district (PND), with particular emphasis on the local agriculture system, as a case study.  Through the field study and empirical analysis, we also involved 22 local farmers, as well as 41 participants stakeholders in multiple collaborative workshop exercises to construct causal-linked variables and causal loop diagrams, and expose structural critical uncertainty and draft scenario storylines. On-the-ground of sustainability outcomes from our study, we provided the four sets of cross-cutting themes, discussing visions and prospect engagement issues underlying plausible trajectories to ensure they are suitable for the local agricultural. We also discussed four postulated trajectories that likely substantiate the co-evolving of SES and social dynamics, that may include as socials ideally evolve and collective learning for transforming into local sustainable agriculture and bringing forward livelihoods and ES quality to society. Our analytical approaches reflected that devising long-lasting solutions will require deep ‘social’s knowledge co-creation of change, responding to the sustainable society. In the future, the causal-linked variables would be translated into dynamic models to foster the process of the feedbacks characterizing ecological functions (supply-demand) associated with endorsement of specific and alternative scenario storylines of agriculture development and social livelihoods’ trajectory.

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How to Cite
Sachdev, H., Udom, C., & Nanan, P. (2022). The Integration of a System Science for Social Knowledge Co-creation in Enhancing the Local Sustainable Agriculture Development: A Case Study in Phraek Nam Daeng Sub-District, Amphawa District, Samut Songkhram Province. Journal of Arts Management, 6(3), 1479–1512. retrieved from
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