The Research and Development of the Driving Process in Area Based Education for Promoting Learning Management in the Basic Education Level with the University as a Mentor

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Karanphon Wiwanthamongkon
Pornchai Nookaew
Supalak Satpretpry
Panida Janupakara
Mitparnee Pumklom


This research article aims were to; 1) study the approach to driving 2) drive process development 3) carrying out the driving process and 4) evaluating and taking lessons from the driving process. It were the research and development, the target groups were 23 network schools. The research instruments were; the guidebook on the process of driving area based education, 10 courses for training courses, the evaluation form for educational management innovation development, the assessment form for the use of educational management innovations and the supervising form for classroom learning. The statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis.

The results were as follows: 1. The promotion quality education, should be prepared the operational manual, operational cooperation (MOU) with network schools, to develop work according to the goals of the school and participate in developing teachers and students to achieve results according to educational management goals and spatial contexts.

2. The driving process to promoting learning management consisted of; Step 1: Build cooperation and drive educational schools; Step 2: Analyze problems and create guidelines; Step 3: Go to the area to develop as a mentor to develop educational school. Step 4: Exchange knowledge to the public. Step 5: take off lessons from learning.

3. The results of the promoting network schools were: 1) the educational management innovation development of network schools was at a high level. 2) the use of educational management innovations of network schools was at a high level. 3) the master teacher's classroom learning management was at a high level.

4. The results of evaluating and taking lessons, network schools have achieved educational management results that meet the project goals, impressed recognizing, awareness in the value of mentoring, suggesting that move forward and expand the results to 24 network schools in the fiscal year 2020.

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How to Cite
Wiwanthamongkon, K., Nookaew, P., Satpretpry, S., Janupakara, P., & Pumklom, M. (2021). The Research and Development of the Driving Process in Area Based Education for Promoting Learning Management in the Basic Education Level with the University as a Mentor. Arts of Management Journal, 5(3), 955–971. retrieved from
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