The Strategic Management for Competitive Advantage Improvement of Halal Food Business in Pattani Province

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Nathanicha Na Nakorn


The study “The Strategic Management for Competitive Advantage Improvement of Halal Food Business in Pattani Province” aimed to study problems and obstacles to competitive advantage improvement of halal food businesses in Pattani Province, strategic management for the competitive advantage of halal food businesses in Pattani Province, and also strategic management initiation for the competitive advantage of Halal food business in Pattani Province. This research aimed to study the business of Chokudomrat and the community enterprise of Orangpuntai. It was mixed-method research. The quantitative research used questionnaires to collect data from 400 stakeholders, and the qualitative research used in-depth interview techniques with by semi-structured interview questionnaires.    

The result was found that: The research finding of theories and practices showed the internal factors and external factors related and impacted the competitive advantage and improvement of the halal food business in Pattani Province. The important problem was the impact of the crisis on the demand of customers.

The important strategic management for improving competitive advantage included resource identification in the production process, application of local wisdom to food science, turning crisis into opportunity, halal production, online marketing, efficient logistics, total quality management, own supplier, and premier product positioning.

The primary strategic management initiative for the competitive advantage of the halal food business in Pattani Province was to create the resources to strengthen the internal factors and to prevent and get rid of the threat of external factors, i.e., the environment of competition. Besides, it needed a risk management plan to sustain a competitive advantage.

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How to Cite
Na Nakorn, N. (2022). The Strategic Management for Competitive Advantage Improvement of Halal Food Business in Pattani Province. Journal of Arts Management, 6(1), 33–46. retrieved from
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