Revisiting the Life Satisfaction of Indonesian Migrant Worker: A Case Study of Taiwan

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Liou Yuan Li
Li Zhang
Tai-Ju Wu
Jeffie Apricanus


The number of Indonesian workers in Taiwan stirs up the question of whether these individuals are satisfied with their current jobs and the quality of life they have in Taiwan?. This article aimed to study to examine the relationship between facets of job satisfaction and life satisfaction of Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan. With ample scholarly investigations of the relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction, notably among migrant workers, a specific examination of Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan is still lacking. Compared to other foreign working destinations like UAE, Saudi Arabia, or South Korea, and despite the fact that the facet of job satisfaction is still the sole measurement, Taiwan is believed to represent different values, politics, regulations, and cultural imposes over the Indonesian migrant worker that strongly influences their life satisfaction. Hence, the study is inevitably imperative. The study employed a quantitative method whereby sequenced analysis on reliability factor analysis, Cronbach’s Alpha, and regression analysis run by Programs of 301 questionnaires. The research results were found as follows;

The logic of the finding is due to the fact that the main reason Indonesian migrant workers come to Taiwan to work is based on their necessity to maintain their family’s economy. That is why, the migrant workers prioritize the amount of pay they are getting as one of the most important factors, which turns out, directly affected their life satisfaction. The other reason that will affect Indonesian migrant workers’ life satisfaction is promotion. The reason behind this hypothesis approval is the workforce fact in Taiwan that tends to promote the workers with higher education degrees, and mostly local Taiwanese rather than Indonesian migrant workers.

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How to Cite
Li, L. Y., Zhang, L., Wu, T.-J. ., & Apricanus, J. (2021). Revisiting the Life Satisfaction of Indonesian Migrant Worker: A Case Study of Taiwan. Arts of Management Journal, 5(3), 845–861. retrieved from
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