Statistical Forecasting Models of Recyclable Waste Management

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Sujinna Karnasuta
Panya Laoanantana


This research aims to study the data collection and forecasting in the recycle wastes of the 2 green schools are Prachaniwet school and Sainamtip school, from 2018 to 2020 through these 3 years. The large Prachaniwet school under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) and the large Sainamtip school under the Ministry of Education that had engaged in the project of the green school located in Bangkok city. The recycled wastes in 4 categories as recycling plastic, recycling glass, recycling paper, and recycling can compare between Prachaniwet school and Sainamtip school in a range of 6 months. The statistical analysis from the data collection with 4 forecasting technics are moving average, Weight moving average, Simple exponential smoothing, Holt’s exponential smoothing. The recycling waste from both Prachaniwet school and Sainamtip school in 4 categories in a range of 6 months from 2018 to 2020. The most recycling waste is plastic, which has a seasonal effect due to semester start. The comparison in 4 categories between Prachaniwet school and Sainamtip school. Sainamtip school seems to have recycling plastic waste, recycling glass waste, and recycling can waste more than Prachaniwet school. In recycling paper waste, Prachaniwet school seems to have more than Sainamtip school. The research result benefits from the forecasting techniques of this research with the Moving average, the Weight moving average, the simple exponential smoothing, the Holt’s exponential smoothing can be used to prepare for what will happen in the future, gain valuable insight, and thee result from prediction methods could decrease cost for the environmental management on the green schools on the recycle waste.

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How to Cite
Karnasuta, S., & Laoanantana, P. . (2021). Statistical Forecasting Models of Recyclable Waste Management. Arts of Management Journal, 5(3), 937–954. retrieved from
Research Articles


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