A Model of the Causal Factor of Electronic Satisfaction on Booking Online Website Rooms in Thailand

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Mallika Thamnarong
Vichit Uon


The purposes of this article aimed 1) to study the causal factors of the electronic system satisfaction and room reservation through online booking websites in Thailand; 2) to study the influence of the causal factors of the electronic system satisfaction and room reservation through online booking websites in Thailand; and 3) to create a model of electronic system satisfaction of booking online websites in Thailand. The researchers collected data from interviews with hoteliers, hotel owners, who choose to sell their rooms through OTAs and their users who made room reservations through an online hotel reservation agency. This research was a mixed research. using quantitative research and qualitative research. Data were collected via online questionnaires from users, which was done with a sample of 500, used for the quantitative method, and 12 for the qualitative method. The statistics used in data analysis were statistical analysis using structural equations (SEM) and statistical analysis (Pearson Correlation).

The analysis of structural equations modelling and path analysis showed that 1) the quality of electronic services directly positively affected the satisfaction of electronic systems; 2) electronic complaint handling had a direct positive effected on electronic satisfaction; 3) the quality of the website directly positively affected the satisfaction of electronic systems; 4) electronic preferences directly positively influenced electronic loyalty; and 5) electronic service quality, electronic complaint handling, and website quality. There was a positive indirect influenced on electronic loyalty through electronic preferences. Considering the value =gif.latex?\chi2 = 45.36, df= 33, gif.latex?\chi2/df = 1.375, p-value=0.07425, RMSEA= 0.027, RMR=0.006, SRMR=0.012, CFI=1.00, GFI=0.99, AGFI= 0.96, NFI= 1.00, NNFI=1.00, index was correlated with empirical data.


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How to Cite
Thamnarong, M., & Uon, V. . (2021). A Model of the Causal Factor of Electronic Satisfaction on Booking Online Website Rooms in Thailand. Arts of Management Journal, 5(3), 733–748. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jam/article/view/250999
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