Causal Relationship Model Affecting Operational Sustainability Social Enterprise of Community Enterprises of the Western Region, Thailand

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Thongchai Pongsittikanchana
Chantana Pongsittikanchana



The purposes of this article were to examine the causal factors affecting operational sustainability of community enterprises in the western region of Thailand. The sample included 300 community enterprises in the western region of Thailand. A questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the analysis of structural equation modeling. Results indicated that the model fit with the empirical data (χ2/df =2.04, TLI =.981, NFI = .971, CFI = .985, RMSEA = .059, and SRMR = .024). Community management factor and community participation factor had a positive significant influence on community innovations at a significance level of .05 with regression coefficients of .483 and .435, respectively. The entrepreneurial factor had an insignificant influence on community innovation. The community participation factor and the community innovation factor had a significant influence on operational sustainability at a significance level of .05 with regression coefficients of .763 and .285, respectively. The entrepreneurial factor and the community management factors had an insignificant influence on operational sustainability. Community business management was a factor that affected community innovation and community innovation was a factor that affected sustainability in social enterprises. Therefore, academic agencies should organize training on business management. Creating innovations from local wisdom so that people in the community can apply knowledge and skills acquired to develop innovations from the community and promote the performance of social enterprises for community enterprises and lead to sustainable economic, social, and environmental development of the community.

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How to Cite
Pongsittikanchana, T., & Pongsittikanchana, C. . (2021). Causal Relationship Model Affecting Operational Sustainability Social Enterprise of Community Enterprises of the Western Region, Thailand. Journal of Arts Management, 5(3), 780–797. retrieved from
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