A Development of Infographic Media Using Health Belief Model to Promote Health Awareness in Elderly through Line Application

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Apinpus Chitrakorn


Health Awareness in the Elderly via application to promote the elderly in society to be healthy all over the page aimed to 1) develop Infographic based on Health Beliefs Model to promote health awareness among the elderly via Line Application; 2) study the satisfaction of the elderly after perceiving the media; 3) study the knowledge and understanding of the health data of the elderly using the media; and 4) study the health awareness among the elderly after using the media. The sample consisted of 30 elderly people who could read the Thai language and used the LINE application to send news by using a specific selection technique. This research is quantitative. There are 6 types of research tools, namely questionnaires, media satisfaction assessment forms. expert interview from Visual media format via LINE application media cognition test a questionnaire to assess health awareness among the elderly Statistics used in research, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient Difficulty and classification power. The sample consisted of 30 elderly people who could read the Thai language and used the LINE application to send messages from July - September 2020. The sample is selected by using the purposive sampling technique. The research results were found as follows: 1) the created infographic passed quality evaluation based on expert judgment at an excellent level; 2) satisfaction of older adults using the infographic was overall at an excellent level; 3) The cognition on health data of the elderly before and after the experiment was significantly different at the .05 level (before trial after the trial); and 4) the overall health awareness of the elderly before and after the experiment was significantly different at the .05 level (before trial after trial).

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How to Cite
Chitrakorn, A. (2021). A Development of Infographic Media Using Health Belief Model to Promote Health Awareness in Elderly through Line Application. Arts of Management Journal, 5(3), 877–894. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jam/article/view/250748
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