The Strategies of Creating Competitive Advantage of Secondary Education under the Office of the Basic Education Commission

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Natthayaporn Sewatanon
Subin Yurarach
Waraporn Thaima


The purposes of this article aimed to 1. study the level of competitive advantage of secondary education institutions under the Office of the Basic Education Commission; 2. analyze factors affecting the competitive advantage of secondary education institutions under the Office of the Basic Education Commission; and 3. propose a strategy for creating competitive advantage for secondary education institutions under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. The sample group consisted of 360 school administrators in highly competitive secondary education institutions under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, the Office of the Basic Education Commission. This was research and development, the research was designed with a mixed method. The tool for data analysis was the questionnaire and focus group form. The statistics for data analysis were the Structural Equation Model for quantitative data and the deep interview and focus group for qualitative data.

The research results were found as follows: 1) The overall competitive advantage of secondary education institutions under the Office of the Basic Education Commission was at highest level. 

2) Factors in holistic quality management, quality culture of education institutions, and executive characteristics affected the competitive advantage of secondary education institutions under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. It was found that the model was comparable with empirical data and, 

3) The strategy for creating competitive advantages for secondary education institutions under the Office of the Basic Education Commission is composed of 5 policy strategies and 13 functional strategies.

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How to Cite
Sewatanon, N. ., Yurarach, S., & Thaima, W. (2021). The Strategies of Creating Competitive Advantage of Secondary Education under the Office of the Basic Education Commission . Arts of Management Journal, 5(3), 673–687. retrieved from
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