Factors Affecting to Decision-Making to Invest Funds Online on Application in Bangkok

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Nophasin Suwannathan
Bordin Rassameethes


In the present, technology has played a role in our lives. Meanwhile, Thai people pay more attention to money allocation and fund investment. Therefore, there are more fund applications and more competition to be accepted by customers. This article aimed to study technology acceptance, perceived risk, and information system quality factors that have an effect on decision-making to invest funds online on application in Bangkok. This study was quantitative research. The instrument for collecting data was a questionnaire. The sample and population were selected from those who have ever bought or invested in online funds on application and live in Bangkok, 400 cases were included as a sample. Analysis data by using frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, correlation, and multiple linear regression. The research results were found as follows:

1) Technology acceptance factor that include perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use has significantly effect on decision-making to invest funds online on application in Bangkok.

2) Perceived risk factor in the dimension of performance, security & privacy, financial and time has no effect on decision-making to invest funds online on application in Bangkok.

3) Information system quality factor that include information quality, system quality, and service quality have a significant effect on decision-making to invest funds online on application in Bangkok.

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How to Cite
Suwannathan, N., & Rassameethes, B. (2021). Factors Affecting to Decision-Making to Invest Funds Online on Application in Bangkok. Arts of Management Journal, 5(3), 586–598. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jam/article/view/249529
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