The Improvement of Mathematical Argumentation Skills through Learning Activities based on Open Approach in the topic of Similarity for Matthayomsuksa 3 Students

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Nirunchala Tabpum
Wanintorn Poonpaiboonpipat


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the guidelines for learning activities based on an open approach to enhance mathematical argumentation skills and 2) develop mathematical argumentation skills for Mathayomsuksa 3 students on Similarity through learning activities based on open approach. The target group is 36 students in a large secondary school in Lopburi Province. The research tools were lesson plans, reflection form and observation form. The mathematical argumentation consisted of 4 elements which are 1) proposing predictions and reasons to support the information and 2) providing evidence to support the information 3) giving different reasons for argumentation and 4) giving reasons for counter-argumentation. The data were analyzed by content analysis.

The results of the study showed that learning activities based on an open approach to enhance mathematical argumentation skills should focused on selecting problems with various solutions, using open-end question to engage students’ argumentation, and building an environment to support effective thinking and showing expression. Overall, students improve their mathematical argumentation skills after learning. For subcomponents, students’ improvement sorted in descending order were proposing predictions and reasons to support the information (85.19%), providing evidence to support the information, and giving different reasons for argumentation (78.70%) and giving reasons for counter-argumentation (75%) respectively.

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How to Cite
Tabpum, N., & Poonpaiboonpipat , W. (2021). The Improvement of Mathematical Argumentation Skills through Learning Activities based on Open Approach in the topic of Similarity for Matthayomsuksa 3 Students. Arts of Management Journal, 5(3), 703–717. retrieved from
Research Articles


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