Acceptance and Attitudes towards the Cashless Society of Consumers in Bangkok

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Nongnuch Homboon
Napat Pongpraniti
Pornpana Srisatanon


The purposes of this research was to study the acceptance the attitudes towards and compare the personal factors related to the acceptance of the cashless society.  The population in this study lives in Bangkok consisting of 400 samples. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Statistics used to analyze the data were Frequency, Percentage, Average Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test, One-Way ANOVA.

The study indicated that Acceptance factors for access to cashless societies consist of five aspects; namely, expectations for use, facilities in use, social influence, and acceptance of the modern technology. The attitude toward cashless society consists of 3 aspects; understanding, feelings, and the behavior, which showed a very high level in all aspects. Considering the acceptance of cashless access among the people in Bangkok, it found that the differences in careers and income differently showed their attitudes towards cashless society at a significant level (.05).

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How to Cite
Homboon, N. ., Pongpraniti, N. ., & Srisatanon, P. . (2020). Acceptance and Attitudes towards the Cashless Society of Consumers in Bangkok. Journal of Arts Management, 4(2), 472–488. retrieved from
Research Articles


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