Corporate Social Responsibility Management of the Audit Firms In Thailand

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Rinyarut Lertputthikul
Akaradech Thulayaphonglak
Duangkaew Pornsiwanat


This article has the following objectives: to study the characteristics of policy management and management style and to provide the prospective suggestion for managing social responsibility in the context of Thai society of audit firms in Thailand. The research approach is a qualitative research. The informant of the study is the managers of audit firms, which is classified as the Top Best Brand according to Standard 2020 in a total of 21 firms. The researcher used purposive sampling method. The research instrument was the unstructured interview form. The data were analyzed by using content analysis and descriptive writing.

1)The result of research according to Objective 1 indicates that most auditing companies that provide information in the same direction that they are operating under good ethics and good management practices. By being responsible to society, each company may be different in details, but the same objective is to return the welfare and benefit backing to society. 2)The result of the research in accordance to Objective 2 shows that principles of corporate social responsibility include 1) adhere to good governance principles, 2) have a good corporate governance master plan, 3) have common values of the organization, and 4) have a well awareness of CSR practice.Further, the results of the study provide the policy regarding corporate social responsibility, which indicates that good corporate governance master plan has to be made that the private sector rarely undertakes. In addition, firms have to stick to principle of good governance, to have shared values of the firms as well as social welfare-oriented mind. This can apply to policies of audit firms. Findings the Knowledge of 3G1S

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How to Cite
Lertputthikul, R. ., Thulayaphonglak, A. ., & Pornsiwanat, D. . (2020). Corporate Social Responsibility Management of the Audit Firms In Thailand. Journal of Arts Management, 4(2), 444–457. retrieved from
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