The Causal Relationship Model of Behavioral Intention of Priestly Buddhism Goods through Lazada Application of Customers in Bangkok and Vicinity

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Wongwarit Suttijirawat
Sumaman Pankham



The objectives of this research were to develop a causal of relationship modal of behavioral intention of priestly buddhism goods through Lazada application of customer in Bangkok and Vicinity and to validate the consistency of the causal relationship model with empirical data. The tools used in the research was online questionnaires. The sample group consisted of 400 peoples who have been bought priestly buddhism goods through Lazada application. The statistics used in data analysis was the structural equation model is used to analyze causal relationships to find the path to the causal influence of the variables consisting of 4 components are 1) Perceived Usefulness 2) Perceived Ease of Use 3) Attitude Towards Priestly Buddhism Goods and
4) Behavioral Intention.

The results of the research showed that the causal relationship model was developed in accordance with empirical data. The final is predictive coefficient of 0.92, indicating that the variables in the model can explain the variance of the Behavioral Intention of Priestly buddhism goods through Lazada application by 92 percent. It was found that the Attitude towards Priestly Buddhism Goods were the most influence on Behavioral Intention of priestly Buddhism goods through Lazada application of customer in Bangkok and Vicinity.



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How to Cite
Suttijirawat, W., & Pankham, S. . (2020). The Causal Relationship Model of Behavioral Intention of Priestly Buddhism Goods through Lazada Application of Customers in Bangkok and Vicinity. Journal of Arts Management, 4(2), 371–384. Retrieved from
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