The Narrative of Eastern History and Archaeology through Playwriting and Directing: Jaomae Khokpanomdee the Musical

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Sanchai Uaesilapa


This research paper entitled The Narrative of Eastern History and Archaeology through Playwriting and Directing: Jaomae Khokpanomdee the Musical, aimed to study of Eastern Thailand history and archaeology and create play script as well as a musical theatre production.
The qualitative research methods were conducted utilizing in-depth interviews and a field trip.
Data analysis was based on the discovery of an ancient female skeleton.  Her high status was clearly reflected by components such as accessories and pottery which indicated a complicated funerary ritual. The evidence suggested a matriarchal society in the prehistoric period. Narrative theory was applied to the interpretative drama to determine a theme, characterizing a protagonist and antagonist, utilizing the point of view of character Jaomae Khokphanomdee. The intention was to communicate the woman’s leadership role and her contribution to feminism via the symbol of her skeleton as meaning the virtue of respect to ancestors from generation to generation. The study revealed that composition of the interpretative drama script from historical, lifestyle, and cultural records enabled character development and narrative progression; such as an analysis of the skeleton showed Jaomae Khokphanomdee’s age to be 35 years old.  Evidence such as accessories and housewares were incorporated into costume design; meanwhile, make-up design and theatre props design were photographed to explore character development.  The play, moreover, consisted of 3 scenes, whereby the theme was “a sustainable future from robust roots”. 3 characters were designated; Apiwat as the leading character and Pan as the antagonist as well as the Princess herself.  The concept of the play direction was “Untrue Truth” narrating the story in the Museum of Eastern History and Archeology, Center of Arts and Culture, Burapha University.

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How to Cite
Uaesilapa, S. (2020). The Narrative of Eastern History and Archaeology through Playwriting and Directing: Jaomae Khokpanomdee the Musical. Journal of Arts Management, 4(1), 99–113. retrieved from
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