Human resource development that affects the working efficiency of the personnel on Expressway Authority of Thailand

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Chanisa Hansombun
Korneak Kanchanapokin


The objectives of this study are (1) to study the human resource development of the Expressway Authority of Thailand and (2) to find factors relating to human resource development and work efficiency of the Expressway Authority of Thailand personnel Quantitative research Population and samples are the Expressway Authority of Thailand personnel. Educational tools include Data were collected by 400 questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Inferential Statistic such as t-test, anova and Pearson. Correlation

The objectives of this research were to

 (1) Female respondents were female 55.00 which is greater than males the age range is between 41-50 years. For most statuses are single 57.00 the studies are undergraduate 55.00 the average monthly income is in the range of more than 35,000 baht per month. For the positions of the Expressway Authority of Thailand, 94.80 most are at levels 4. Over the last 15 years 39.50, most for the analysis results showed that the work efficiency of personnel is at a high level. With an average of 4.06 and a total standard deviation of 0.441

(2). The correlating factors found that personal factors such as gender, age, marital status, education level Average monthly income, position and duration of work there are different levels of opinions on the work efficiency of the Expressway Authority of Thailand personnel. The knowledge gained from the study will be useful or used for the Expressway Authority of Thailand when planning the information. Or set criteria for managing human resources, both their own and related departments.

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How to Cite
Hansombun , C. ., & Kanchanapokin, K. (2020). Human resource development that affects the working efficiency of the personnel on Expressway Authority of Thailand. Journal of Arts Management, 4(1), 46–58. Retrieved from
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