Evaluation of Public Perception and Opinion on Alcoholic Beverage Control Act B.E. 2551: A Case Study of People in 12 Provinces of Thailand

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Nachawish Kittibovorndit
Suriyan Boontae
Thana Hapipat
Adisak Atipakya
Damkerng Aswasuntrangkul


The research for Evaluation of Public Perception and Opinion on Alcoholic Beverage Control Act 2008 aims to (1) survey the drinking behavior of alcohol (2) to explore access to purchasing, drinking and awareness Advertising of alcoholic beverages and (3) to survey perceptions and opinions on alcohol control measures According to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act B.E. 2551, by studying samples aged 11 years and over from 12 provinces in all regions of the country, a total of 3,028 samples were conducted by quantitative research methods. Through survey research By fieldwork in the field to collect data with sampled from statistical sampling By using questionnaires as a face-to-face interview and use statistics to analyze data such as Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation.

The results of the study are summarized as follows: (1) Regarding the behavior of alcoholic beverage consumption, it was found that the subjects thought of first when talking about "Alcohol" is liquor and beer. 2 out of 3 have been drinking alcohol at least once in their lives. (2) Regarding access, buying, drinking, and awareness of alcoholic beverage advertising, it was found that travelers were able to buy or can sit and drink alcohol conveniently. The average travel time is approximately 7 minutes. The control of selling time found that it is still not very effective, with up to 2 in 3 bought outside of sale time especially from grocery stores (Choh-Huay). In addition, about 1 in 3 examples have seen children under 20 years of age able to buy alcohol. Shows that the minimum age control is still not fully achieved For example, 39 percent said they have seen advertisements for alcohol in the past day. Which the television media is still the most common channel As well as examples that have been to restaurants/pubs/tech/bars/ karaoke or going to a mall / large retail store/convenience store in the past 30 days, still seeing advertisements by personal media. (3) Regarding the perception of alcohol control measures, it was found that the majority agreed with the regulations or measures relating to alcoholic beverages. Especially the reduction and prevention of social problems arising from drinking For safety in life and property Measures with awareness as high as 90 percent include the prohibition to sell in places such as temples, educational institutions, gas stations and the prohibition of selling alcohol to children under 20 years. More than half of the respondents were not aware that the advertisement of alcohol on television and radio was banned from 05.00 - 22.00 hrs.

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How to Cite
Kittibovorndit, N. ., Boontae, S. ., Hapipat, T. ., Atipakya , A. ., & Aswasuntrangkul, . D. . (2022). Evaluation of Public Perception and Opinion on Alcoholic Beverage Control Act B.E. 2551: A Case Study of People in 12 Provinces of Thailand. Journal of Arts Management, 4(1), 59–72. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jam/article/view/226495
Research Articles


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