Principles of the Fve Aspects of Natural Law with Ecology

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Phramaha Yothin Yodhiko


This article aimed to present the five aspects of natural law and ecology. The five aspects of natural law are the law of absolute nature consisting of Physical laws, Biological laws, Psychic laws, and Moral laws. All definitions proceed according to all five rules. Another important issue is Dharma, which is a universal natural law that covers 4 sub-rules described above. Even though Buddhism is a study of Dharma and psychic law but does not deny physical law and biological law that are the focus of science The doctrines in Buddhism have inserted natural matters, such as the story of Dharma, which mentions all things to be in accordance with the cause and effect which summed up all the definitions together, all the above 4 definitions included in this dharma, the dharma rule, is a big rule that covers all the four definitions of the above, as a sub-rule relating to a particular subject has a relationship for example human beings that are virtuous in accordance with ethical principles must have morality which is to apply the knowledge that exists in nature and apply the laws to everyday life.

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How to Cite
Yodhiko, P. Y. (2019). Principles of the Fve Aspects of Natural Law with Ecology. Journal of Arts Management, 3(3), 173–189. Retrieved from


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