Guidelines for the Development of Sustainable Buddhist Village Project Management

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Ruedee Saengdeunchay


This research article aims to study the development guidelines for the management of the Buddhist village project. Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Khon Kaen Campus is qualitative research using data collected by organizing group discussions and determining the issues of discussion with the discussion group of 30 people studied from the quality goals of the Buddhism radio station, FM 103.75 Mhz. Conducted 30 questionnaires according to the number of villages that have been evaluated in the Buddhist village model and have representatives or village headmen, those involved in the survey of 5 villages, representing of the project participants the results of the research revealed that the development of the prototype Buddhist village project. Based on the evaluation of the management of the prototype Buddhist village project. When applying the results of the 4 aspects to the score and ranking from highest to lowest to find ways to improve the management of the prototype Buddhist village project to be successful to used as a guideline for future projects found that (1) the context of the prototype Buddhist village project Determine objectives in line with the university's policy and the current social problems and stakeholders see the importance of the project. (2) the input factor, the university has appointed a person who responsible for the project, but in practice there are not enough personnel for the implementation of the project, resulting in lack of efficiency and effectiveness as well as activities of the Buddhist village project. The model is still unable to achieve concrete results. (3) In terms of the process, there are a few personnel involved in the planning and the duration of the implementation of the project has a short deadline. There are evaluation and summary of the results of operations that are delayed so that the results cannot be used to improve and develop on time. (4) On the production side, consisting of the evaluation of the implementation of the project. The achievement of the project is not yet clear. The impact on the villagers, the project participants in the community ignored the temptation, such as reducing alcohol consumption, reducing the amount of smoking, reduce the risk of gambling (lottery), ignore gambling. Campaign organizes activities that don’t involve gambling and drinking intoxication.

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How to Cite
Saengdeunchay, R. (2019). Guidelines for the Development of Sustainable Buddhist Village Project Management. Journal of Arts Management, 3(2), 91–104. retrieved from
Research Articles


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