Problems Ethical Issues in Students with Disabilities In school for the ฺBlind The Office of the Private Education Commission

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Sumrong Sunjapo


This research aims to: (1) study the problem of promoting ethics of visually impaired students in schools for the blind. (2) to compare the problem of promoting ethics of visually impaired students in schools for the blind. The Office of the Private Education Commission Classified by educational background. And experience in teaching. The samples were Teachers at the School for the Blind the Office of the Private Education Commission The sample size was 15% from 10 schools. The samples were 2 random schools and random sampling from 10 schools. And schools for the blind. The sample size was 59 persons. A questionnaire on problems in the implementation of moral education for visually impaired students in schools for the blind. The research questionnaire consisted of 95 questionnaires.

  1. The study of problems of promoting ethics in visually impaired students.Blind School Under the umbrella of the Office of the Private Education Commission.The five aspects of the administration. Environment Teaching and Supervision Activity and ethical evaluation. At the moderate level

  1. Comparison of Ethical Issues in Students with Disabilities in School for the blind The Office of the Private Education Commission The education and experience are different and overall management. Environment Teaching and Supervision Activity and ethical evaluation. There was no significant difference at .05 level.

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How to Cite
Sunjapo, S. (2019). Problems Ethical Issues in Students with Disabilities In school for the ฺBlind The Office of the Private Education Commission. Journal of Arts Management, 3(2), 115–124. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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