Eco-Meditation: The Buddhist integration of Conservation the Nature

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Phramaha Yanapat Atipalo


This article present the activities guideline of Eco-Meditation that related to either Buddhism or Ecologic of Bachelor degree of Mahachulalonkornrajawittayalay University in Level 3, 1st semester of 2018 in an academic year at a classroom of Wat Chaichumphonchanasongkram of Kanchanaburi Province. It is outdoor activities that effect the learner and instructor, it also is completed the outstanding knowledge. This program emphasis on the practical activities such as the ordination of tree and forest, meditation in the forest that called sense meditation (Phassa Bhavana), natural touching by Pebbles Meditation in accordance with Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh aim to recover the relationship among human being and natural in realizing on preserving the nature together. The learners who attended in this program gain their knowledge and a good attitude to natural activities. This article will be a guideline to those who are interesting to apply the learning about The Natural preservation method base on Buddhist integration ahead.

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How to Cite
Atipalo, P. Y. (2018). Eco-Meditation: The Buddhist integration of Conservation the Nature. Journal of Arts Management, 2(2), 143–152. retrieved from