Human Resource Development: Definition, Concepts and Applied Model

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Paradee Klangtarn


Human resource development had appeared in every cultures, such as, Indian and Chinese cultures. Especially, when Greek culture had been spread into Europe, the concept of human resource development advanced to the employment of manpower. In industrial revolution era, scientific method and technology had been implemented in human resource development. Many theories about learning had established in this period. This included the learning loop by David Kolb. His model founded many learning patterns, such as, additional studies, training for extending skills, and developing positive attitude. However, learning needs motivation. With suitability and right degree of motivation, human will understand the benefits of learning for effectiveness in human resource development.

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How to Cite
Klangtarn, P. (2018). Human Resource Development: Definition, Concepts and Applied Model. Arts of Management Journal, 1(1), 33–44. retrieved from
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