Enhancing the Students Learning Efficiency of in University Libraries

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Chen Qianyu
Busaya Vongchavalitkul


This study aimed to determine the extent of university students' access to entity space service, online teaching services, digital resource services, and information literacy services and investigate the factors that influence university students' learning effectiveness, with a particular focus on Weifang Nursing Vocational College. Given the increasing prevalence of online and hybrid learning, the role played by university libraries in shaping students' education has gained significant importance. The research comprehensively examined elements such as the physical layout of the library, the availability of online teaching resources, the accessibility of digital materials, and the provision of information literacy education. By analyzing data collected from 505 students across four academic years and utilizing statistical tools like percentages, means, standard deviations, and multiple regression analysis.

The results highlighted the substantial impact of library services on learning efficiency, with personal factors contributing only minimally. Consequently, there is a critical need for university libraries to enhance their educational support services

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How to Cite
Qianyu, C. ., & Vongchavalitkul, B. . (2024). Enhancing the Students Learning Efficiency of in University Libraries. International Journal of Development Administration Research, 7(1), 120–137. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ijdar/article/view/265906
Research Article


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