Service Quality Relating to Students’ Satisfaction of Student Affairs Departments in University: Case study in China

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Zhao Yan
Patima Rungruang


       The Objectives of this research were to study 1) student’ satisfaction of the service provided by university; 2) service quality of student affairs office in university; and 3) relationship between service quality and students’ satisfaction of the service provided by university. This research uses quantitative research method, based on the SERVQUAL model of perceived service quality theory, combined with the actual service quality of a university student work department, according to five dimensions (reliability, tangibility, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy). The samples consisted of 400 students in the university. The research instrument was a questionnaire that had the overall reliability of 0.94. The statistics used in this research were percentage, mean, standard deviation and hypothesis testing by ANOVA and Regression coefficient

        The research results found that; 1) student’ satisfaction of the service provided by university, overall, at a high level. In addition to, the highest level of satisfaction was the convenience; the subordinate aspects were the courtesy, the coordination and the information. 2) Service quality of Student affairs office in university, overall, at a high level. In addition to, the highest level of service quality was the responsiveness and empathy of service quality and 3) The overall relationship between service quality and students’ satisfaction of the service provided by university in the whole have the positive correlation as a high level.

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How to Cite
Yan, Z. ., & Rungruang, P. (2023). Service Quality Relating to Students’ Satisfaction of Student Affairs Departments in University: Case study in China. International Journal of Development Administration Research, 6(1), 31–46. retrieved from
Research Article


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