Development local product of the Small and Micro Community enterprise in Thailand

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Apiwan Pannatekave


The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of product commercial marketing, quality enhancement, Local product standards and Perceived quality on the customers’ intention to revisit and satisfaction as a mediator in these relationships considering the case example of local products in the community enterprise in Thailand, which is a sub- district and is an important tourist destination. For this purpose, a theoretical framework was established and accordingly, six hypotheses were formulated. The research was carried out by collecting cross- sectional data using a sample of 300 tourists which was selected using purposive sampling technique. Survey method was employed and the sample participants were given questionnaires to fill which consisted of items taken from previously validated scales on these variables. The analysis was done using path modeling. The results proved that these variables have a significant impact on the tourist intention to revisit and that tourist satisfaction acts as a significant mediator in these relationships. Thus, the hypotheses for the study were accepted. This study has theoretical Implications as it has reinforced the results of theory and previous studies by revealing the mediation effect of tourist satisfaction. The study is fruitful for the policy makers of the tourism industry who can apply these results practically and aim to improve the standards of the local product to improve the needs response of tourist so that the fee satisfied and revisit the destination. This can lead to improvement in the revenue from the tourism industry and will help the economy grow.

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How to Cite
Pannatekave, A. . (2021). Development local product of the Small and Micro Community enterprise in Thailand. International Journal of Development Administration Research, 4(2), 7–13. retrieved from
Research Article


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