Pattern Design for Wood Block Printing on Mangrove Bark Dyed Fabric from The Identity of Khlong Pak Pid Community, Bang Saphan District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province

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Kamolwan Patcharapornpipat Sarasuk
Kamonsiri Wongmuek


The objective of this research is to design pattern for wood block printing on mangrove bark dyed fabric from the identity of Khlong Pak Pid community, Bang Saphan District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. The population and sample group used in this research were: 1) Five representatives Members of community enterprise groups; including religious leaders, village sage, community product producers, 2) Three experts in evaluating the feasibility of making wooden block templates; fabric pattern design instructors and the technicians in making wood-patterned fabric blocks.   3) Three experts for evaluating the evaluation of the community identity pattern design at Klong Pak Pid, ​​Bang Saphan District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, including the owner of a clothing business and Fabric printing design instructors The research methodology consisted of an interviewing form and the evaluation forms. The statistics data for analysis of quantitative research represent mean and standard deviation.

The finding of this research can be summarized that the pattern design named “Kongkangbangbai” had the highest score with satisfaction at a good level of ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.20 , S.D.= 0.54) ) which can be ranked according to the following issues: The pattern  has the repetition on the fabric properly and The designed pattern can add value to the products of the Khlong Pak Pid community, had an average overall satisfaction at a good level of  (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 4.33, S.D.= 0.57) The pattern designed represents Khlong Pak Pid community identity had an average overall satisfaction at a good level of ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.00, S.D.= 1.00)  The pattern designed is good design and interesting had an average overall satisfaction at a good level of   (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 4.00, S.D.= 0.00)

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How to Cite
Sarasuk, K. P., & Wongmuek, K. (2024). Pattern Design for Wood Block Printing on Mangrove Bark Dyed Fabric from The Identity of Khlong Pak Pid Community, Bang Saphan District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 16(1), 135–153. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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